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ASPMail dll destekliyor musunuz?

Evet destekliyoruz. “ASPMail” kullanarak formmail yapabilirsiniz.

<%@ LANGUAGE=”JScript” %>


* ASP FormMail has been designed around the server-side mail component “DevMailer”. 

Response.Expires = 0;

ConfigOptions = new Array(

* Add your mail server here. If your mail server does not allow message relaying (most do not)
* then your recipient (set in your HTML form) account must exist on this server.

MailServer = “”;

* The default mail server port. Doubtful it needs to be changed.

SMTPPort = 25;

* If you do not wish to check referers simply uncomment (put //) in front of the next * line.

checkReferers = false;

* Referers allows forms to be located only on servers which are defined 
* in this field. This security fix from the last version which allowed 
* anyone on any server to use your FormMail script on their web site.

Referers = new Array(‘’, ‘’);

* Done with Configuration variables.




function SendMail() {
DM = Server.CreateObject(‘Geocel.Mailer’);

* If the above line fails, run the following from the
* the command line ‘C:\>’ – REGSVR32.EXE DVMAILER.DLL

body = “”;
if( Request(‘Subject’).Count )
sub = String(Request(‘Subject’));
sub = “ASP FormMail Results”;
if( Request(‘RealName’).Count )
from_name = String(Request(‘RealName’));
from_name = ‘ATAnet Internet Solutions’;

if( Request(‘EMail’).Count )
from_email = String(Request(‘EMail’));
from_email = “WWW Web Submission”;

DM.AddServer(MailServer, SMTPPort);
DM.ContentType = “text/html”;
DM.Priority = 1;
DM.Subject = sub;
DM.FromName = from_name;
DM.FromAddress = from_email;
DM.AddRecipient(Request(‘Recipient’), ”);

/* Add any CC Recipients here and un-comment lines */

// DM.AddCCRecipient(“”,”Larry [Josh] Ham”);
// DM.AddCCRecipient(“”,”Josh”);

/* Add any CC CRecipients here and un-comment lines */

// DM.AddBCCRecipient(“”,”Larry [Josh] Ham”);
// DM.AddBCCRecipient(“”,”Josh”);

attach = Request(‘FILES’).Count;
if( attach ) {
// look for multiple attachments (comma-seperated) – split them apart
// into an array.
mfiles = String(Request(‘FILES’)).split(‘,’); 
a = mfiles.length;

filePath = ‘C:\\ATTACH\\’;

/* Change this to a directory where your file attachments
* are stored.

while( a– ) {
DM.AddAttachment( filePath + mfiles[a] );

sort = Request(‘SORT’).Count ? Request(‘SORT’) : “”;
elements = null;
esize = 0;
if( sort == “alphabetic” || !sort.length ) {
elements = new Array(Request.Form.count);
en = new Enumerator(Request.Form);
esize = 0;
while( !en.atEnd() ) {
elements[ esize ] = String( en.item() ).toUpperCase();
esize ++;
else {
elements = String(Request(‘SORT’)).split(‘,’);
esize = elements.length;
if( sort == “alphabetic” ) {
while( esize– ) {
if( !isOption( elements[ esize ] ) ) {
form = Request( elements[esize] );
blank = !form.Count || String(form).length < 1;
if( blank ) {
if( !Request(‘print_blank_fields’).Count ) continue;
body += (‘<b>’ + elements[ esize ] + ‘</b> : ‘ + Request(elements[esize]) + ‘<br>\r\n’);
DM.Body = body;

if( Request(‘REDIRECT’).Count ) {

PrintHeader(Request(‘TITLE’).Count ? Request(‘TITLE’) : ‘Thank You’);
htitle = Request(‘TITLE’).Count ? Request(‘TITLE’) : ‘Formu doldurdugunuz icin tesekkur ederiz.’;
d = new Date();

<TABLE border=0 width=”75%” bgcolor=#CCCCCC align=”center”>
<FONT size=+2><%=htitle%></FONT>
<TABLE border=0 width=”75%” bgcolor=#99cccc align=”center”>
<TD align=”left” width=”5%”>
Gonderdiginiz form asagidadir <B><%=Request(‘RECIPIENT’)%></B> on 
esize = elements.length;
ecnt = 0;
while( esize– ) {
if( isOption(elements[esize]) ) continue;
form = Request( elements[esize] );
blank = !form.Count || String(form).length < 1;
if( blank ) {
if( !Request(‘print_blank_fields’).Count ) continue;
ecnt ++;
ecnt % 2 ? bgcol = “#FFFFFF” : bgcol=”#99cccc”; %>
<TD bgcolor=<%=bgcol%> width=”5%”>
<TD bgcolor=<%=bgcol%>>
<B><%=elements[ esize ]%></B>: <%=Request(elements[esize])%>
<P><HR size=1 width=75%>
<% if (Request(‘RETURN_LINK_URL’).Count && Request(‘RETURN_LINK_TITLE’) ) { %>
<A href=”<%=Request(‘RETURN_LINK_URL’)%>”><%=Request(‘RETURN_LINK_TITLE’)%></A>


function isOption(option) {
oc = ConfigOptions.length;
option = option.toUpperCase();
while( oc– )
if( ConfigOptions[oc] == option ) return true;
return false;

function PrintHeader(title) { %>
<META HTTP-EQUIV=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
if( Request(‘BGCOLOR’).Count ) { %> BGCOLOR=”<%=Request(‘BGCOLOR’)%>” <% }
else { %> BGCOLOR=”#EEEEEE” <% }
if( Request(‘BACKGROUND’).Count ) { %> BACKGROUND=”<%=Request(‘BACKGROUND’)%>” <% }
if( Request(‘LINK_COLOR’).Count ) { %> LINK=”<%=Request(‘LINK_COLOR’)%>” <% }
if( Request(‘VLINK_COLOR’).Count ) { %> VLINK=”<%=Request(‘VLINK_COLOR’)%>” <% }
if( Request(‘ALINK_COLOR’).Count ) { %> ALINK=”<%=Request(‘ALINK_COLOR’)%>” <% }
if( Request(‘TEXT_COLOR’).Count ) { %> TEXT=”<%=Request(‘TEXT_COLOR’)%>” <% }

function PrintFooter() {
<TABLE align=”CENTER” border=1 width=”75%” bgcolor=#669999>
<TD align=”center”>
<FONT size=-1>


function PrintError(error_title, error_message) {
<TABLE border=0 width=”75%” bgcolor=#9C9C9C>
<FONT size=+2><%=error_title%></FONT>
<TABLE border=0 width=”75%” bgcolor=#CFCFCF>

function CheckRequired() {
if( !Request(‘REQUIRED’).Count ) return;
req = String(Request(‘REQUIRED’)).split(‘,’);
bad = “”;
for( rx = 0; rx < req.length; rx ++ ) {
if( !Request( req[rx] ).Count || String( Request(req[rx]) ).length < 1 ) {
if( bad.length ) bad += “,”;
bad += String( req[rx] );
if( bad.length ) {
RequiredError( bad );

function CheckReferers() {
ref = String(Request(‘HTTP_REFERER’)).toLowerCase();
if( !ref.length ) return;
else if( !checkReferers ) return;
refs = ref.split(‘/’);
for( refc = 0; refc < refs.length; refc ++ ) {
rcnt = Referers.length;
while( rcnt– ) {
rtmp = String( Referers[rcnt] ).toLowerCase();
if( rtmp == refs[refc] ) return;
PrintError(‘Bad Referrer – Access Denied’,
‘The form attempting to use ASP FormMail resides ‘ +
‘at <tt>’ + Request.ServerVariables(‘HTTP_REFERER’) + ‘</tt>, which is ‘ +
‘not allowed to access this ASP page.<p>’ +
‘If you are attempting to configure ASP FormMail to run ‘ +
‘with this form, you need to add the following to Referers, ‘ +
‘explained in detail in the README file.<p>’ +
‘Add <tt>’ + Request.ServerVariables(‘HTTP_HOST’) + ‘</tt> to your <tt>’ +
‘<b>\Referers</b></tt> array.’);

function CheckRecipient() {
if( Request(‘RECIPIENT’).Count ) return;
else {
PrintError(‘ERROR: Missing EMail Recipient’,
‘No Recipient was specified in the data sent to ASP FormMail. Please ‘ +
‘make sure you have filled in the “RECIPIENT” form field with an e-mail ‘ +
‘address. More information on filling in recipient form fields can be ‘ +
‘found in the README file.’);

function CheckEMail() {
if( !Request(‘EMAIL’).Count ) return;
part1 = String(Request(‘EMAIL’)).split(‘@’);
if( part1.length > 1 ) {
part2 = String( part1[1] ).split(‘.’);
if( part2.length > 1 ) return;
PrintError(‘ERROR: Invalid EMail Address’,
‘<br>The email address “‘ + Request(‘EMAIL’) + ‘” is invalid. Please ‘ +
‘use your browsers back button to return to the form and try again.<br>’);

function RequiredError( missing_fields ) {
mfr = Request(‘MISSING_FIELDS_REDIRECT’).Count;
re_text = “”;
if( mfr ) {
mfr_location = Request(‘MISSING_FIELDS_REDIRECT’);
Response.Redirect( mfr_location );
else {
re_text = “”;
mxa = missing_fields.split(‘,’);
for( mxc = 0; mxc < mxa.length; mxc ++ ) { 
re_text += ‘<LI> ‘ + mxa[ mxc ];
PrintError(‘ERROR: Missing Fields’, 
‘The following fields were left blank in your submission form:<p> ‘ +
‘<ul>’ + re_text + ‘</ul><br>’ +
‘These fields must be filled in before you can successfully submit the form.<p>’ +
‘Please use your browser\’s back button to return to the form and try again.’ +
‘<hr size=1>’);